A film by Karine Dusfour

DOCUMENTARY / 57' / FRANCE 2 / 2019


Former addicts who were once hooked on heroin, cocaine, alcohol, pain medication or gambling tell us about their hard-fought battle to build a new life. At Saint Anne Hospital, the staff toils day in and day out helping ordinary people overcome addiction. Our documentary shows how caregivers and addicts are coming together to wage war on addiction… and win. By joining forces, they find the strength to believe in an addiction-free life.


Directing : Karine Dusfour
Photography : Thibault Delavigne, Florent Genieys
Editing : Isabelle Szumny
Sound Recording : Éric Münch
Original Score : Charlie NGuyen Kim
Sound Editing : Éric Münch
Colour Grading : Guillermo Fernandez
Mix : Éric Münch
Production : What’s Up Films
Partners :

With the participation of France 2