A series created by Alice Géraud, Marc Herpoux and Jean-Xavier de Lestrade

FICTION / 6x60' / France 2 / IN PRODUCTION


Late 80’s in Northern France, women are being sexually assaulted along the same road by the Samber river – with attacks taking place early mornings and in a similar style. The police fail to get to grips with the extent of these assaults or make a connection between the cases. The justice system is overwhelmed by the accumulating cases. It will take 30 years to catch a man, who never stopped attacking women and is responsible for at least 54 cases of rape or sexual assault. Samber is a thriller that recounts the progression of the investigation, and its repercussions from the 80’s through to 2018 and the beginning of the #metoo era.


Directing : Jean-Xavier de Lestrade
Screenplay : Marc Herpoux et Alice Géraud
Photography : Elin Kirschfink
Editing : Sophie Brunet
Sound Recording : Antoine-Basile Mercier
Original Score : Raf Keunen
Sound Editing : Elisabeth Paquotte
Production Management : Marianne Germain
Assistant Director : Fany Pouget
Production Design : Wouter Zoon
Makeup Artist : Laure Talazac
Costume Design : Bethsabée Dreyfus
Script : Camille Granivet
Casting : Okinawa Guérard-Valérie
Post-production Management : Pierre Carrique
Colour Grading : Thomas Bouffioulx
Mix : Philippe Grivel
Graphic Design : Michel Blustein
VFX Vincent Vacarisas
Key Makeup Artist Visual Effect Christophe Pizetta
Sound Effects Artist Vincent Gregorio
With : Alix POISSON, Olivier GOURMET, Noémie LVOVSKY, Clémence POÉSY, Jonathan TURNBULL, Julien FRISON de la Comédie Française, Louise ORRY-DIQUERO, Pauline PARIGOT, Pasquale D'INCA, Théo COSTA-MARINI, Coralie RUSSIER, Pierre PERRIER, Thaïs VAUQUIERES, Sandra PARFAIT, Mara TAQUIN, Liv HENNEGUIER, Raphaëlle DOYLE, Clara NOUVELLON, Patrick DESCAMPS
Production : What's Up Films