A film by Thierry Vincent de Lestrade and Sylvie Gilman

DOCUMENTARY / 52' / FRANCE 5 / 2013


Didier Jambart and Henri David, both Parkinson’s sufferers, are victims of the side effects of Requip, a drug sold by GSK. They have developed serious addictions to gambling and to sex, which have seen them lying and stealing to satisfy their desires. Neurologists and pharmaceutical companies alike simply pass the buck, denying any responsibility. But even if it means a long fight through the courts, for the patients, this fight is about restoring their honor.


Directing : Thierry de Lestrade, Sylvie Gilman
Photography : Thierry de Lestrade, Sylvie Gilman
Editing : Sophie Brunet
Original Score : Hélène Blazy, Stéphane Lopez
Colour Grading : Olivier Cohen
Mix : Matthieu Cochin
Production : What’s Up Films
Partners :

With the participation of France 5

Festival(s) :
Selected for FIGRA 2013 – International Competition section