A film by Maïa Wechler

DOCUMENTARY / 52' / FRANCE 3 / 2012


July 31, 1972. Delta Airlines flight 841 takes off from Detroit International heading for Miami. Mid-flight, passenger Melvin McNair and an accomplice threaten the pilot with a gun. They demand a ransom and instruct him to head for Algeria where they want to join the Black Panthers who have sought exile there. Also on the flight are Melvin’s wife, Jean McNair, and their two children. July 31, 2011. In Caen, Melvin and Jean now work with disadvantaged young people. What do they still have in common with the young hijackers they were four decades ago? This is their incredible story, a story of revolution and exile.


Directing : Maïa Wechsler
Photography : Jean-Yves Cauchard, Ludovic Plourde, Simon Ross, Éric Turpin, Claudia Raschke-Robinson, Scott St.John
Editing : Sophie Brunet, Vincent Trisolini, Anne Checler
Sound Recording : Éric Chevry, Glen Kantziper, Brooks Lester
Original Score : Brandon Ross, Harriet Tubman: the band, Charles Tindley
Colour Grading : Paul Wattebled
Graphic Design : Kyle Goen
Production : What’s Up Films
Partners :

In coproduction with Red Triangle
With the participation of France 3, France 3 Basse Normandie and LCP -Assemblée Nationale

Festival(s) :
FIGRA 2012 – « Terre(s) d’histoire » section