A film by Fanny Tondre

DOCUMENTARY / 71' / FRANCE 2 / 2017


This film tells the story of a colossal construction site where thousands of workers have joined forces to bring a huge architectural work to life. In the same way a gigantic theater production is pieced together, every person has a very specific part to play. And despite the fatigue and mishaps, despite the dangers, setbacks and accidents, they are all driven by the same shared goal.


Directing : Fanny Tondre
Photography : Fanny Tondre
Editing : Vincent Trisolini
Sound Recording : Yves Grasso
Original Score : Charlie Nguyen Kim
Colour Grading : Thibaud Caquot
Mix : Matthieu Deniau
Production : What’s Up Films
Partners :

In coproduction with Eiffage Génie Civil
Distributed by DOCK 66

Festival(s) :
Selected at Cinéma du réel – PARISDOC (2016)